Tofu Chocolate Mousse

"What's with the tofu, beez?" is probably what you all are thinking. I know, I know...weird. I had the silken tofu from the Pumpkin Tofu Soup and thought that it would be great to not have to waste what I had left over. I regularly don't like the texture of silken tofu but didn't have any aversion to it being blended in the soup and the tofu in this recipe is mixed with chocolate (yum!) and put through a food processor, so that took care of the texture issue.

I've been having a HUGE challenge this week to stay sugar free because Aunt Flow is knocking at my door. This is not a sugar free dessert but it is something that I feel a little bit better about eating, number 1: because I made it myself and number 2: I'm getting protein, too. Yes...I know I'm justifying. Gimme a break...I'm getting my period.

Here's the recipe:

3/4 cup dark chocolate chips or dark chocolate bars broken into small pieces
12 oz silken tofu brought to room temp
1/2 cup warmed skim milk (or soy, rice, almond, etc...)
1 tsp vanilla

Melt the chocolate in a double boiler or in the microwave. Be careful if you are double boiling. Your chocolate will curdle and not melt if you get water into it while trying to melt it.

Combine warm milk, tofu, vanilla, and melted chocolate in a food processor until smooth. Sieve the mixture through a fine mesh strainer into a bowl. Chill and devour!

Again, I'd love to know what you think. Have you tried any of the recipes? Keep me posted as to how you altered it to make it your own.


  1. Yummy! Very yummy! But you should change the name...this tases EXACTLY like Jell-O Pudding Pops! Brings me back to childhood and Bill Cosby. This is "Pudding Pop Mousse."


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